Thursday, February 16, 2012


     Eisenhower's two terms were peaceful ones for the most part and saw considerable economic prosperity except for a sharp recession in 1958–59. Although he left office in 1961 with low overall approval ratings, his posthumous reputation has grown and in recent surveys of historians, Eisenhower is often ranked as one of the top ten U.S. Presidents.
     It seems that when Eisenhower left office in 1961, things were in a mess.  Lets talk about why there was a recession when there seemed to be so much prosperity.  Or, why there was such a low approval rating for such a popular president.  So, in your opinion,  what effort did they put into action to bring the U.S. out of that recession, if anything or how would that have effected the economy in the early to late 60's? Please opine in 50 words or less about as many or as few points that you want to discuss. Thanks.

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