Saturday, May 18, 2013


1950's: 2 CARS IN EVERY GARAGE . . .

The 1950's - Two Cars in Every Garage
January 14, 1950 - The United States recalls all consular officials from China after the seizure of the American consul general in Peking.

January 17, 1950 - The Brinks robbery in Boston occurs when eleven masked bandits steal $2.8 million from an armored car outside their express office.  

June 25, 1950 - The Korean War begins its three year conflict when troops of North Korea, backed with Soviet weaponry, invade South Korea.  This act leads to U.S. involvement when two days later, the United States Air Force and Navy are ordered by President Truman to the peninsula.  On June 30, ground forces and air strikes are approved against North Korea.  Photo above right: Bombs drop from the lead plane on the 150th mission in the Korean War of the U.S. 19th Bomber Group of the Far East Air Force.  Photo: U.S. Department of Defense.

June 27, 1950 - Thirty-five military advisors are sent to South Vietnam to give military and economic aid to the anti-Communist government.

November 26, 1950 - United Nations forces retreat south toward the 38th parallel when Chinese Communist forces open a counteroffensive in the Korean War.  This action halted any thought of a quick resolution to the conflict.  On December 8, 1950, shipments to Communist China are banned by the United States.

For the first time, the 1950 census indicated a population in the United States over 150 million people.  The 14% increase since the last census now showed a count of 150,697,361.  The most populous state in the United States was New York, now followed by California.  The geographic center of the United States population had now moved west into Richland County, Illinios, 8 miles north-northwest of Olney.